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Seasonal Kayak Maintenance & Storage


When there is nothing between you and the waters below, except your kayak, you need it to be dependable. Every. Single. Time. For that to happen, you need to show much care for your Kayak both on and off waters. Like everything else that you love, it needs love back to thrive. Yes, even a kayak. And the more TLC you give it, the more adventure it will give you, it is just that simple. Taking care of your kayak is important year-round, which is why we would like to share some Kayak Storage & Maintenance Tips.

Kayak Types & Materials

There are many types of kayaks, many common materials include polyurethane, plastic fiberglass and even kevlar and prices range from $200 to over $2,000. You likely know what materials make up your boat, remember it, because it will be a factor when ensuring proper maintenance for your kayak.

Tips for Storing & Maintaining Kayaks

  • Kayaking Season Prep – When the ice finally thaws and it is warm enough for you to enjoy a paddle, it is important not to jump the gun. First, ensure everything with your kayak is in good working order. Look at the hull, cockpit, bungee, hardware, pedals to make sure there are no damages that need to be fixed before you get your kayak on the water. It is never a bad thing to give your kayak a good wash, it usually means less spider webs and unknowns to run into. Also, waxing your kayak will protect it from the UV Rays you’ll soon be enjoying.
  • After Wash – After every adventure stop. Take a complete look at your kayak top to bottom, inside and out. Does it look different? Scratches happen unfortunately and assessing your boat after every trip will lessen the likelihood you’ll have to shorten an anticipated journey due to unnoticed damages. If you are paddling in salt water, washing your kayak with freshwater after every adventure will reduce erosion dramatically.
  • Location – Where is your kayak? In any season? Hopefully out of any harsh elements! If your kayak is at the wrong place at the wrong time, unfortunate things can happen. The location your kayak is in is important, regardless if you’ve just stopped to enjoy the view or you are storing it for winter hibernation. Your kayak is out of its element on land, it is your job to be aware of that and ensure you are maintaining a safe location for it at all times.
  • Extended Kayak Storage – When storing your kayak for a long period of time, proper placement is crucial to prevent hull damages. The weight of the entire kayak needs to be distributed evenly, otherwise distortion and warping are soon to follow. How can you ensure even distribution of weight for your kayak? Check out Log Kayak Racks Storage Options & it will make life as a kayak owner easier!


